Thursday, December 30, 2004

Finish Line

I can see the finish line now! It's....a couple months behind me. I've beaten the game Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. It was the best console game I've played. My only critical comments are:

1. How hard some of it is (just kidding, that's what Splinter Cell is supposed to be)

2. The game was too short. It seemed a little awkward. Good levels and missions. I just feel that the storyline could have used another twist to add to the suspense. Always more suspese I ask for. Enough till I explode....

I highly recommend the game, not to mention the first one as well. Clancy, you're a genius.

By the way, I've also just finished reading "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell" written by (some guy named) David Michaels. I read this book in four days flat. Couldn't stop reading, it was suspensful and lively. The characters were believeable, and it wasn't like a video game. This had much more depth, to go along with the Splinter Cellish blend of stealth action and a hurricane of a plot.

I find myself out of Splinter Cell things to do. Suddenly the room gets very small...

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Pandora: Maybe Tommorow

I am having trouble finding time to play the game, Pandora Tommorow. Expect me to later? I hope so. I am stuck at this level where I have to deactive mines. Comment and help me if you know how. I can get most of them, but the last ones get me always. Frustration.

Expect some kinda of a real post later, or this one to be updated. Great game otherwise, the gameplay is superb but the challenge of the game is, well...challenging.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Pandora Tomorrow

I have not posted in forever, though I doubt anybody read's this. Well, maybe those select people who come along it scrolling through blogs on the Nav Bar.

Splinter Cell was an awesome game. Great. Superb it was. Always tense, demanding to play it in complete silence and usually darkness. That really is the best way to play it and be successful. It's unlike any other game, really.

I purchased Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. Well, I didn't purchase it, because it was my birthday! Hooray, I got to get the game I wanted without forfeiting my own money. How lazy can one be?

It turns out, really, that this whole blog has turned into a Splinter Cell journal. I guess that's fine with me, and it's also not bad if someone reads this. This can't be strategy guide because that would cause me to lose twenty five hours of my day.

Until next time, loyal reader!

Sunday, July 11, 2004

More Splinter Cell

Splinter Cell has got to be one of the most fun games I have played in quite a while. The revolutionary digital effects are superb and very tense.

The mood in the game is tesnse as can be. It's lots of fun. Go get it. Buy it now.

Short blog today. I don't feel like writing too much.


Saturday, June 26, 2004

Nothing Short of Brilliance

Sorry to interupt the Web Comic thing, but Part Two will not be today. I just picked up Splinter Cell on Gamecube and it is nothing short of brilliance.

I told you earlier I was going to try and get rid of my blockbuster cards and get it at blockbuster. I called up local blockbusters (4 of them) and none of them had it for sale. I called up Office Depot, and they told me about a nearby store called GameStop. I sure have been missing out. They have a decent selection of games and from now on I will try to go there to get my games.

A little on GameStop: the store I went to was small, but had a decent selection for XBOX, PlayStation 2, and Gamecube. They sell new games (obviously), new systems, and also some used and refurbished items. If you want to save a few bucks for a recent game, buy it used. There was used XBOXs and PS2s for around $120-140 which is decent. If I had that kind of money, I'd get one. I do believe an XBOX would be an upgrade over my Gamecube.

Not to diss my Gamecube either, it is small and compact and is reliable. It plays fine and keeps me anti-social. And that's a good thing, isn't it? But XBOX has better graphics and better games overall.

Back to Splinter Cell!

Nothing short of brilliance, I could say it all day. But I'd rather not, I'd rather play the game all day. Or night. It is a covert-spy game and I can't wait to see how it looks when I play it at night in dark sorroundings.

Go get it if you don't have it already.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Web Comics Part One- FAQ

This may be a little strange for the most part, not the blog itself, but when I post my latest blogs. I will try this summer to make a decent schedule which I shall try to follow with all of my determination, which either way, for good or bad will probably be consistent.

The Real Stuff:

It is likely that you read comics in the newspaper or know someone who does. Most give you a "ha" and then you continue on to the next one. It is also likely that you use the internet daily or know someone who does. If you do not, you are terribly sheltered or are possibly Amish.

Whichever you do, you could be missing out on greatness. This superior, top-rate, greatness is the glory that is Web Comics.

Now you might say: What is Web Comics?

I'd give you the answer: What ARE Web Comics, stupid. But really, the name says it all. They are comics, like you'd find in the newspaper, except these are found online. Web Comics are often done by talented young artists (often male) that have little money and use their time on giving audiences online something to laugh at.

What is the difference between Web Comics and comics you might find in a newspaper?

Web Comics are often more obscene, with out censors and more hillarious than newspaper comics. My personal favorite is Ctrl+Alt+Del (Control Alt Delete). It is about gamers and all things gaming but funny for all.

Must continue later.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Hats off to Allen, Splinter Cell

Paul Allen has finally created a private space ship and launced it successfully. I am very excited about that and very much into the space exploration (parts of it). The age old question: Is one of the founders of Microsoft rich enough to make a spaceship?--has finally been answered. Yes, apparently that is true with 20-something million dollars and a crew of dedicated employees (who must be highly educated and hopefully getting paid good money). Hats off to Allen and crew, and that pilot who is the first pilot/astronaut.

I am very excited to pick up a copy of the hit game Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell. Not the newest sequel game, Splinter Cell: Pandora Tommorow, but the first one, plain old Splinter Cell. But I hear it is far from plain, with some of the best graphics and game plots around; and it isn't that old either. Unless a year is really that old.

I am looking for a copy of that game on Gamecube. If I had my choice, I would have an XBOX, but it was not up to me.

A few years ago, I entered a Bomberman Contest on and a few months later found out I had won a Bomberman Game and a Gamecube! It is the only thing I've won on the internet and I still can't believe how lucky I was to win it.

Reading a review of Splinter Cell on Gamecube (, I heard the graphics were slightly less amazing than the XBOX version, but it had its own unique traits and advantages. They still said it was one of (probably the best) games on Gamecube you could buy. So it seems to be an all around good deal. I shall try to get it from Blockbuster because I have these little $10 Gift Cards lying around and I want to use them sometime.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Father's Day, Hooray.

Good day any readers I might have or anybody who has just happened to surf the vast expanse of useless internet and found my blog.

I am Sean. Email me at with any questions or concerns. I have not much to say but I do believe I will later when things happen that are interesting.

Here's what we've got so far: It's Father's Day. I purchased two movies for my father, right on the day of celebration. So I'm a little late, that's me. So maybe you should expect the same from these blogs?

Thank you for actually visiting this blog as I hope many will do in the future. Tell your friends and spread the word. It may just turn out to be half-good.
